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  • Writer's pictureAdam Morris

Why You Need to Look after Yourself More

We all need to look after ourselves more.

Such is how the modern world is.

Our hours at work are long and stressful. The financial pressures on us are bigger and bigger. Social media has too much of a negative mental impact on people.

And on the physical side our lifestyles of computers and smart phones are more and more leading to dysfunctional posture and movement.

We need to look after ourselves more.


Going too hard for too long

Quite a lot of the time when we’re really in the zone with work, training or whatever it may be we push through and ignore sickness, burn out and niggles.

While this mentality is admirable and hard work is something that this world could do with a lot more of, not taking the foot of the gas tends to make things worse instead of better.

The old saying goes 'You can't serve others from an empty vessel' and it's so so true. Taking some time to look after yourself will not only save you in the long run it will actually put you in a better position to focus and perform better with whatever it is you're doing.


Look at your exercise and nutrition

Getting fitter and healthier will hands down make a phenomenal difference to your wellbeing. Sorting your food out and getting the endorphins flowing a few times a week will make the world of difference.


Talk to the Experts

Despite the cost, getting things looked at by an expert really is worth the money. Here is an brief example of people that you can see to get yourself sorted out if you have any physical issues/pains:

Physio – Goes without saying, a good physio with a strong knowledge on anatomy and works a lot with people like you can work wonders.

Podiatrist – A Podiatrist is someone who looks at your feet and ankles. You’d be amazed how many people have some degree of tightness in their calves, or their ankles roll in when they walk/squat, or their flat footed. If you feel you struggle with things from the knee down then it’s work chatting to one of these folks.

Sports Massage – Even for the casual gymgoer, a sports massage will make you realise just how tight your muscles really are! The first one is always the most painful, but it’s well worth it.


Do you feel that you need to look after yourself more? Do you struggle to do this and need some help?

Email for details on Personal Training and Online Coaching.

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